The Design Approach Purchase Guide has been developed to support civil servants, purchasers, and designers in procuring projects with a design approach. The guide provides insight into suitable procurement procedures and practical tools to effectively organize collaboration with designers within the Dutch public sector (the guide is offered in Dutch).

What is included in this guide?

A clear overview of procurement methods within the public sector that you can apply when purchasing a design-driven approach.

A step-by-step purchasing-plan that helps guide you through complex procurement procedures.

Inspiration on the paths you can take to tackle complex issues together with designers – there are many of them.

Who is this guide meant for?

This guide helps civil servants to get started with a design approach. Their needs and goals are central in establishing collaborations with designers. They also have direct contact with purchasers and designers. This guide provides them with tools to effectively procure a design-driven approach.

It offers designers insight into how the design-driven approach can be purchased within the public domain. Designers can provide this guide to public clients to help them understand how a collaboration can be financed.

For purchasers, this guide offers information on the design approach and inspiration on how it could be procured. It also provides tips and advice on setting up a procurement process that best fits a design-driven approach.

This purchasing guide is written for procuring a design approach for societal challenges. Design expertise can also be applied to other tasks, such as urban planning, interior design, and (landscape) architecture. For more information about these design expertise areas, you can refer to the Federatie Creatieve Industrie and their connected branches

What procedure matches your design-question?

The need to implement a design approach for complex issues is increasing within the public sector. Often, standard procurement procedures lead to a stripped-down or adapted design process, which does not do justice to what a design-driven approach can offer in addressing complex challenges. How can you still procure this approach to fully unlock its potential?

The good news is that there are many ways to do this. The challenge is to find the procurement process that best fits your specific issue. This practical guide helps you find the right path.

Developed by Ink Social Design

This guide is the result of a research by Ink Social Design, in opdracht van PONT. This guide has been created thanks to the valuable input of governmental purchasers, civil servants and designers.

Download the purchasing guide